
Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. The Critical Section Problem This website explains about the critical section problem. It also mentions and explains about requirements of synchronization mechanisms.

  2. The Paterson Solution This website explains about the paterson solution.

  3. Race Condition, Critical Section, and Semaphore This website explains about race condition, critical section, and semaphore in operating system.

  4. Mutual Exclusion This website explains about mutex. It also give examples to help reader understand it.

  5. Deadlock This website explains about a deadlock. It also explain methods on how to handling a deadlock.

  6. Semaphore This website explains more deeply about semaphore. It also explains how it works.

  7. Process Synchronization This website explains about process synchronization. It also mentions the two types of processes.

  8. Forum on Progress and Bounded Waiting This forum talks around the topic of progress and bounded waiting. There are explanations of progress and bounded waiting and also examples of both.

  9. Resoure Allocation Graph This article explains about resource allocation graph.

  10. Banker’s Algorithm This website explains about the Banker’s algorithm. It also gives an example to help reader understand.