
Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. How to start using git
    This website contains guide on how to start using git. It helps me when I was starting the github for OS and when I want to clone it to my local PC. It also helps me when I want to commit this W01 assignment.

  2. Guide to Installing Debian Linux in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine
    This website explains step by step on installing Debian Linux in a VBox VM. It acts as a secondary source when I was installing Debian.

  3. Command Line Cheatsheet
    This website contains some useful command command line. It also provides a cheat sheet file for free.

  4. Rexegg
    Its a website for regex cheat sheet. It helps me when I’m trying to use regex.

  5. Debian vs Ubuntu
    This website explains the difference between debian and ubuntu for linux. It helps me pick which one to use.

  6. Vim Editor Basics
    It contains basic usage of vim. It helps me when I first start using vim editor.

  7. GeeksforGeeks
    Its a website that has a lot of coding tutorial/faq.

  8. Tutorialspoint
    This website has a list of useful commands line.

  9. Sed Command in Linux/Unix with examples
    It has a lot of sed command that commonly used. It helps me when learning about sed.

  10. Awk Cheatsheet
    It is a cheatsheet for awk.